Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Circle of Chase

My shoulders stayed plastered against the wall. 10 minutes and I stood rooted, deliberating. Thank goodness the partition kept me hidden from his view. I was a stalker again. It was the usual gym, his regular day of the week, my perfect chance.

I braced myself and took a peek of his side profile. He's Mike McLean, my heartthrob crush and definitely charming. 6 feet tall, toned arms glistening with perspiration, a torso sculpted to perfection and placed winner of every major teen modeling competition. He is every woman's dream.

A wayward pink towel flutters across his working biceps and lands on Mike's thighs. “Oops! Sorry!” I heard her say. My head switches upwards instinctively. Flashing sparks of green and red at this intrusive queue cutter. It was her again. Alice Kell, the rival. She has done it intentionally again, twice this month. I caught her grin as she bent forward to retrieve it, flashing her cleavage in his direction. I battled the desire to hurl my bottle in her face. I would have uncapped it as well to drench my burning fury all over her taunting outfit but at that exact moment, Mike waved in my direction. “BREATHE...” I instructed myself before returning a toothy smile.

“Hi Mike!” I waved as I strutted across, tripping over a stranded 10lbs dumbbell and falling into Mike's arms. His sweaty touch was like a live wire. Adrenaline raced through my vessels and I could feel my face flush instantaneously. Clumsiness was my thing. I was born with neither a flare in sports nor a killer physique like Alice Kell- the girl from hell. Like my name, Jane, I was a plain.

I heard a few hushed gasps of Ooos..” andAhhs..” from a few girls huddled in a corner. Clearly it was not a one-member fan club that Mike was drawing. I was just a classmate, his lab partner and an average good friend.

“You alright dude?”

“Dude?! You got to be kidding me!” I thought to myself, yet it was prove that our rapport was that of brotherhood. And brotherhood being thicker than acquaintanceship, I acknowledged in delight.

“Hey Mike. What’s up?”

“Remember the last time in the school canteen? We were hanging out and there was that girl you introduced me to, Beatrice. Well... we're kind of.. 'involved' right now and I seriously need your help. Oh she's just so amazing the things she tells me. She's so nice and sweet. Her eyes practically twinkle every time I see her. I don't know why! We've been talking about a jogging date but... … … ”

Mike rambled on, oblivious that my inner thoughts have washed out every stimuli around me. Just a split second ago I was still cruising on my fantasy space boat with Prince Charming but at this juncture, my hopes were crashed. It felt like meteorite shards from a nearby blast burrowing under my skin and fracturing my bones while an alien ray gun tortuously sublimates my very existence. I wished I was deaf or Mike would shut up.

“Jane! Are you even listening?” he cut me.

With the best of my ability, I shrugged nonchalantly and answered, “You're in love with my friend. You need an alibi to ask her out. I get it! ”, though every cell egged me to turn my back and run straight for the pillar.

“Alright, here's the plan. I'll tell her you're going too. This Saturday. But you're gonna give us the scoot while we're there so I can make a move right? Pretty Please..”

I really do not need this talk now. But it's Mike. How can I EVER say no.


“Right on! That’s why I love you Jane!”

That was the most dreadful week I ever experienced. The weather sucked, my food lacked appeal, schoolwork seemed tougher than usual and I was plagued with constant nightmares of a man eating grizzly. Even my plants started to wilt in correspondence to my sinking mood. I found myself semi-consciously following the footsteps of a clown. My friends proclaimed me delusional when I was caught eating ketchup using a fork, sharpening a pen, walking into people and standing up randomly during lectures.

Saturday came too fast. I was going to be a date decoy for the man I loved so much. Dejected as I may be, it was my final chance to let Mike know my feelings. I had no time for letups. If it had been any other girl, I would have a slight flicker of confidence, but my female counterpart was tremendously strong. Even without the additional advantage of mutuality, Beatrice was just like how Mike complimented. She was pretty, smart, always smiling, humble and assisting. I could not imagine a halo any brighter than this girl that Mike adores to the core. I was going to throw in my chips today.

“Hi Beatrice! Hi Jane!” Mike was beaming. So was Beatrice.

Hmmm… What a nice weather. An ice cream sundae would make a nice wager don't you say?”

“I'll take your challenge anytime, lady. 20km and make that a double. I'll charm the wits out of you.”

“Your chunks don't scare me dude. Bring it on!”

My presence was tactlessly tucked away, just like how I could not care less about the weather. I was sweltering bullets from watching their playful romantic exchange. We did our stretching exercises silently yet I could not help but notice Beatrice stealing glances at Mike, bashfully. Mine was a futile gamble, I know.

“First to the cracked red bench! Let’s Go!”

And Beatrice was gone, sprinting with quick lithe steps towards the lush green path. As though amused, Mike faltered a 5 seconds before prancing behind her. I froze momentarily, letting my gaze stalk his back. Further and further he went, till his silhouette was nothing more than a tiny speck of brown, bobbing rhythmically to each step and swing of his arms.

My job here was done and my one-way love story had also concluded tragically. Just like a virus, the infections circle of unrequited affection expanded it's radius to include my chase. As I let loose a long, tedious sigh of empathy for myself, a wayward blue towel fluttered across my face. My ears blanked out all sound as I slow motioned the scene play of a gorgeous, apologetic guy walking up to me.

“Wow.” I thought, “This may be the start of another.”